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Primary Curriculum

Our curriculum


  • sets clear learning objectives in English, mathematics and science for each year of primary education


  • focuses on developing knowledge and skills in core subjects which form an excellent foundation for future study


  • focuses on learners’ development in each year


  • provides a natural progression throughout the years of primary education


  • is compatible with other curricula, internationally relevant and sensitive to different needs and cultures


  • is suitable for learners whose first language is not English, with an optional English as a second language curriculum


  • gives you optional routes to use sections that suit your learners’ needs best


  • provides schools with international benchmarks.



We offer the following subjects:

  1. Literacy
  2. Numeracy
  3. Science
  4. French
  5. Music
  6. Computing
  7. Arts
  8. History
  9. Geography
  10. PSHE
  11. Physical Education.